So this is a taste of what we've been dealing with on the second floor... one's a mess, two are boarded up... this is what we've looked at in the back of the house, where we park our cars, for the last year...
I got home yesterday and I was greeted with.....
(Hey I know the pics suck, but you can't complain about sun in Buffalo... let's just imagine it's the clouds parting, and a ray of sunshine is shining down on us, with choirs of angels singing and playing harps!)
So I ran in like a kid on Christmas, stole the hubs' iphone (for slightly less sucky photos – I LEFT MY CAMERA AT WORK!), and ran upstairs to see from the inside.
Check out how dark this room was...
That crazy solar flare above the board is where the sun rises every morning... but even in the evening, this is what the room looks like now!
Aw, so sad to see this go... (no, not really...)
We also got one of the windows in the front in!
Ok, it doesn't look that exciting, but the other one was cracked, and rotted, and all sorts of wrong!
Reading corner:
(what you can't really see is that is plexiglass covering that broken window frame... BROKEN plexiglass at that...)

Okay, I AM painfully aware that these photos are completely anti-climactic, but please trust me, this is a huge deal... and I'm jumping-up-and-down-hand-flappin' giddy about it! More and more and more to come... FINALLY!!!