Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So, The Way I See It

If someone were to ask me what the most difficult part of this [extraordinarily] difficult renovation is, I would have to say it's communicating my ideas to people [including my husband] that can't visualize what III'm seeing! Realistically, this is most likely a fault of mine in communication, but it usually comes out as "YOU HAVE NO VISION!" in the heat of a "where should this wall go" argument. ENTER – Google Sketchup. Where, my darling, have you been all my life? A FREE 3D program for me to draw up all my ideas and floorplans and colorize and drop carpet and wood swatches?! Yes please!

So without further ado, to all of you ["all" 2 of my readers hehehe] that think I'm crazy, I give you my "vision" for the second floor...

Confusing, yes. As an overview, from left (front of the house) to right (back of the house) we have: Our master bedroom, with coffee "nook" leading out to the patio (patio not pictured) with walk-in closet and full bath off the bedroom. Near the top you will see the stairs from the first floor, with the "reading corner" window alcove, leading to the tv room (with very, very rough estimations of furniture! haha!) Off the tv room you will see the laundry room, at the top, and the second bedroom at the bottom. Now, let me give you the tour. 
PLEASE NOTE: The colors are waaay off... I'm not sure why, they just look very strange. 

Again, all the furniture in this model is pretty rough, but you can see the bed and the end tables. In the "coffee nook" (where the hardwood is) we'll have a couple chairs, and a table with a coffee maker, mugs, and probably a little fridge underneath for creamer and such. You can see the door on the left to the walk-in closet, and the door to the right will be the bathroom (and they'll obviously have doors! haha!) There will also be a fireplace under the half window in the middle. 

Oh boy is this rough! Ok, you can see right by the door we will have two basin sinks, probably on a refurbished old dresser as the vanity. That oval mess is supposed to be a clawfoot tub with two sided shelves next to it, and behind the toilet.
Another view, where you can see the shelves better, and the windowseat:
You can also kind of see the walk in closet there too!

Next we have the tv/family room:
Now WHY, you may ask, is the tv room on the second floor? Well, we really like to entertain, and our first floor really flows well from the living room to the dining room to the kitchen, and I really wanted a room that people could just sit in and talk and enjoy each other's company without being distracted/talking over a television. It's taken a while to get Mr. Moneypit on board with the idea (and he still may not be completely) but I think he's getting there... ;) You can also see in this picture the doorway to the third floor. 

You love my lego-land furniture, admit it. You want some. 

The top of the stairs and future reading corner:
I think this is the hardest part for people to picture right now, because this section will look so different. The wall and doorway around the top of the stairs is coming down, and opening up into a hallway that will lead to the bedroom. The doorway that now leads to what used to be the kitchen will be closed up, and the stairwell to the third floor will get a door put on it. 

Back of the house; second bedroom and laundry room:

If I had my way, this room would be done first. I am so done with the laundromat. So. Done. But this keeps me hanging on, the idea of my luxurious second floor laundry room... okay maybe "luxurious" is the wrong word, but it will definitely feel like a luxury to NOT have to cart my laundry out of my house anymore! Also, on the left is what we are calling the "second bedroom." MEGAN enjoys calling it "the nursery" – but only because it will be the kids' room where her kids can sleep when she and her family come over to hang out on the weekends again.

So there you have it, kind of, it will be interesting to see how close to this the final product ends up... hopefully I'll be able to make you a big collage of it soon!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weeds – Your Days Are Numbered...

Since this weekend consisted of wrapping up the upstairs for window installation [yawn, nothing worth blogging - how many pictures can you take of contractor bags and piles of dust?] we didn't make much headway on the "curb appeal"... but we did get...

[and by WE I of course mean Nick :)]

Look out weeds... we aren't effin' around...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

With Love and Discouragement...

New puppy, traveling, local site-seeing, and cross-coastal friends visiting... we have had an EXCEPTIONAL whirlwind of fun the past few weeks!

The downside: it's now more painfully obvious than ever how much the exterior of our house looks like something out of Life After People.

SO, to hopefully get our asses in gear, here are some "Accountability Befores"... and hopefully we can at least get our house to a level of ignorability before the crowds set in...

As we know... the front garden:
Needs: Rototilling (sp?!), topsoil, plants, mulch, and possibly rocks to finish it off...

The front porch:

(WHICH I managed to punch a hole in last week! Nothing makes a thick girl feel worse than a chair leg dropping through a floorboard... rotted or not...)

Needs: New moulding, prime, paint, sconce, outdoor tablecloth, replace floorboard.

The driveway and front walkway:

Needs: Edging, weed pulling/killing. (NEED a new driveway... but lets keep this list manageable...)

The back porch:

Needs: Oh so very much... new door, new sconce, a good scrub down!

The back (This is extra embarrassing, but I am putting it all out there!!):

Needs: A good cleanup/purge of junk (yes, there are three grills, and NO, none of them work! I know, absolutely ridiculous!), some weed wacking, and a clawfoot tub with veggies planted in it! :)

Oh yeah, and I still want to get that rain barrel!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

We May Be a Little Distracted...

This weekend, there may be a little less of the "Getting Sh!t Done" attitude we usually have around the Money Pit... 

We picked up our own little mongrel last night, (see the one with the white diamond on the back of his head?) although I did want to take all of them!

I think there are still a couple available, if you live in or around the Buffalo area. Let me know if you want one of these loves, it would be so cool for a friend to have one of his brothers or sisters!

So... we might be a little busy... updates to follow :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lie Like a Rug

You know, that saying makes it sound so easy. Like rugs just lie around, all on their own. Well the truth is, you gotta force them to lie flat and even. Especially when you've got a funny bay window like this to trim around:

So to make our terrace usable, we got our outdoor carpet, unrolled it, and got to cutting. At this point:

the undertaking seemed impossible. Something we didn't think about; how do you pull and flatten a carpet on a second floor, where the only place to stand is ON the carpet? But, we managed to get it pretty much where we needed it...

...and got to it. It was a slow-but-sure process; pull, cut, and readjust... pull, cut, and readjust... 

And the more excess that got cut off, the flatter it got...

Until finally the last bit of cutting was the far edge from where we started... a feat Nick took on... at about high noon, in 90° weather... and at this point we were pretty punchy...
"Rug, I'mma cut chu!"

So finally, it was all flat and trimmed... next stop, stapling it down! Why not glue, you ask? I was worried that the rug may not last (probably won't last) as long as our brand new terrace would, and I didn't want to risk pulling up a worn glued-down carpet in 3 or 4 years, just to also pull up the actual roof with it. So, we figured with the heat, the tar would seal around the staples, and would also keep the rug down nicely. Problem: no staples for the staple-gun. 

So the stapling got pushed to the next day... (since we couldn't get to the hardware store until about 8pm) But luckily my brother came over for a visit, found my camera, and took some pictures of himself...

If you've been to my house, I know what you're wondering, and yes, he's sitting on the toilet while taking these pictures. (Let ye who mess with my camera be warned - the pictures WILL find their way to the blog! MUAHAHAHA!)

SO next day - stapler in hand - we nail the sucker down and set up the awesome patio set I got from my sister, Kelly! And finally I have what I've wanted since my days of living in a basement apartment in Queens... 
From this:

to this:

Be still my heart.